Abyss King
A Mazebert TD card by ManuWins

Item level: | 81 |
Since version: | 1.0 |
Obtainable: | Regular card |
s10 (2014)- Added to the game
Once a proud Templar of the Light, the Abyss King has since spent two thousand years mastering the dark arts of necromancy and immortality. The Abyss King’s studies have made him strong, and they have made him deathless. But more importantly, they have earned him the title Lord of the Undead.
Because while the Abyss King cannot be killed by normal means, he is still just one man. A man who can be overwhelmed and overcome by superior tactics and numbers. The sieging army contains legions of giants, spiders, goblins, and dragons. Given enough time, the siegers would batter the Abyss King into submission if he continued to fight alone.
So, the Abyss King is summoning his own army. He is crushing goblins’ skulls and splitting spiders’ legs and then forcefully conscripting those fallen foes into his legion of the undead. With each new kill, the siegers’ army shrinks, and the Abyss King’s army grows. Soon, the Abyss King’s horde of zombies will outnumber the living siegers ... and perhaps, the land will have a new threat to worry about.
Damage progression
Level | Base damage |
1 | 36-48 |
2 | 45-59 |
3 | 53-71 |
4 | 63-83 |
5 | 71-95 |
6 | 80-106 |
7 | 89-117 |
8 | 98-130 |
9 | 107-141 |
10 | 115-153 |
11 | 124-164 |
12 | 133-177 |
13 | 142-188 |
14 | 150-200 |
15 | 159-211 |
16 | 169-223 |
17 | 177-235 |
18 | 186-246 |
19 | 194-258 |
20 | 204-270 |
21 | 212-282 |
22 | 221-293 |
23 | 230-304 |
24 | 238-316 |
25 | 248-328 |
26 | 256-340 |
27 | 265-351 |
28 | 273-363 |
29 | 283-375 |
30 | 292-386 |
31 | 300-398 |
32 | 309-409 |
33 | 318-422 |
34 | 327-433 |
35 | 335-445 |
36 | 344-456 |
37 | 353-469 |
38 | 362-480 |
39 | 371-491 |
40 | 379-503 |
41 | 389-515 |
42 | 397-527 |
43 | 406-538 |
44 | 415-549 |
45 | 424-562 |
46 | 433-573 |
47 | 441-585 |
48 | 450-596 |
49 | 458-608 |
50 | 468-620 |
51 | 476-632 |
52 | 485-643 |
53 | 494-654 |
54 | 503-667 |
55 | 512-678 |
56 | 520-690 |
57 | 529-701 |
58 | 538-714 |
59 | 547-725 |
60 | 556-736 |
61 | 564-748 |
62 | 574-760 |
63 | 582-772 |
64 | 591-783 |
65 | 599-795 |
66 | 609-807 |
67 | 617-819 |
68 | 626-830 |
69 | 635-841 |
70 | 644-854 |
71 | 653-865 |
72 | 661-877 |
73 | 670-888 |
74 | 679-899 |
75 | 688-912 |
76 | 697-923 |
77 | 705-935 |
78 | 714-946 |
79 | 723-959 |
80 | 732-970 |
81 | 740-982 |
82 | 749-993 |
83 | 759-1,005 |
84 | 767-1,017 |
85 | 776-1,028 |
86 | 784-1,040 |
87 | 794-1,052 |
88 | 802-1,064 |
89 | 811-1,075 |
90 | 820-1,086 |
91 | 829-1,099 |
92 | 838-1,110 |
93 | 846-1,122 |
94 | 855-1,133 |
95 | 864-1,146 |
96 | 873-1,157 |
97 | 881-1,169 |
98 | 890-1,180 |
99 | 899-1,191 |