Acolyte of Greed
A Mazebert TD card by Andy

Item level: | 87 |
Since version: | 1.0 |
Obtainable: | Regular card |
s10 (2014)- Added to the game
For weeks, the Acolyte of Greed’s goblins have returned to his dungeon with encouraging news.
“Camelot is besieged,” says the Acolyte, repeating his lackeys’ latest report. “Metropolis is overrun with creeps. And the forest dwellers have left their homes unprotected. Now is the perrrrfect time to take what’s theirs …”
“But sir,” says one of the goblins, standing nearest the Acolyte, “won’t those people need their weapons and treasures and things? To fight the creeps?”
“Little goblin,” says the Acolyte, fingering the goblin’s chin in his ancient hand, “I do not care what those peasantssss need. I care only what they have. I care only that it is not miiiine yet.”
“That seems awfully shortsighted,” says another goblin. “What if, because you took those people’s things, the creeps kill them all? What if the creeps come for us after?”
“They wouldn’t dare!” screams the Acolyte. “No one has ever dared to attack me. No one has ever dared to take what’s mine.”
Having ordered them to pillage the land in his name, the Acolyte dismisses his goblins. The goblins, however, know exactly how dire this creep siege is proving. They know exactly how badly the citizenry need the weapons and resources they have - as well as any others they can acquire.
Which is why, as the goblins leave the Acolyte’s dungeon, they fill their rucksacks with as many of the Acolyte’s weapons and treasures as they can carry, with plans to dispense the items as they march. And with that, the goblins become the first to take what is the Acolyte’s.
Damage progression
Level | Base damage |
1 | 19-23 |
2 | 24-30 |
3 | 29-35 |
4 | 33-41 |
5 | 38-46 |
6 | 42-52 |
7 | 47-57 |
8 | 51-63 |
9 | 56-68 |
10 | 61-75 |
11 | 66-80 |
12 | 70-86 |
13 | 75-91 |
14 | 79-97 |
15 | 84-102 |
16 | 88-108 |
17 | 93-113 |
18 | 98-120 |
19 | 103-125 |
20 | 107-131 |
21 | 112-136 |
22 | 116-142 |
23 | 121-147 |
24 | 125-153 |
25 | 130-158 |
26 | 134-164 |
27 | 139-171 |
28 | 144-176 |
29 | 148-182 |
30 | 153-187 |
31 | 157-193 |
32 | 162-198 |
33 | 166-204 |
34 | 171-209 |
35 | 176-216 |
36 | 181-221 |
37 | 185-227 |
38 | 190-232 |
39 | 194-238 |
40 | 199-243 |
41 | 203-249 |
42 | 208-254 |
43 | 213-261 |
44 | 218-266 |
45 | 222-272 |
46 | 227-277 |
47 | 231-283 |
48 | 236-288 |
49 | 240-294 |
50 | 245-299 |
51 | 249-305 |
52 | 255-311 |
53 | 259-317 |
54 | 264-322 |
55 | 268-328 |
56 | 273-333 |
57 | 277-339 |
58 | 282-344 |
59 | 286-350 |
60 | 292-356 |
61 | 296-362 |
62 | 301-367 |
63 | 305-373 |
64 | 310-378 |
65 | 314-384 |
66 | 319-389 |
67 | 323-395 |
68 | 328-402 |
69 | 333-407 |
70 | 337-413 |
71 | 342-418 |
72 | 346-424 |
73 | 351-429 |
74 | 355-435 |
75 | 360-440 |
76 | 364-446 |
77 | 370-452 |
78 | 374-458 |
79 | 379-463 |
80 | 383-469 |
81 | 388-474 |
82 | 392-480 |
83 | 397-485 |
84 | 401-491 |
85 | 407-497 |
86 | 411-503 |
87 | 416-508 |
88 | 420-514 |
89 | 425-519 |
90 | 429-525 |
91 | 434-530 |
92 | 438-536 |
93 | 444-542 |
94 | 448-548 |
95 | 453-553 |
96 | 457-559 |
97 | 462-564 |
98 | 466-570 |
99 | 471-575 |