Muli the Evil Twin
A Mazebert TD card by Ulrich Herbricht

Item level: | 81 |
Since version: | 0.7 |
Obtainable: | Regular card |
s10 (2013)- Added to the game
While Huli the Monkey celebrates another victory in the arms of his female fan club, his evil twin, Muli, drowns his sorrows in a Metropolis bar.
Where did things go wrong for Muli? Was it when the Stonecutters captured him as a child, tearing him away from Huli and the rest of his family? Was it when the mad old men began experimenting on his body and brain, hoping to create a super-simian? Or was it when their scientists ever so playfully gave Muli his first sip of beer, sparking an addiction that plagues him to this day?
The short answer is: Yes. All these events made Muli who and what he is. An evil twin who never wished to be evil.
“Sometimes,” mutters Muli, into his half-full glass, “I wish things could go back to the way they were.”
A brown hand, furred lightly past the fingers, appears at Muli’s shoulder. And a familiar voice says, “What if I told you that they can?”
After spending a short time celebrating, Huli the Monkey left the jungle and struck out for Metropolis, hoping to find his twin brother. Because wars are best fought alongside family.
“I’ve tried to let you find your own way back,” says Huli, sitting beside his twin. “But bro, I need your help now. The whole jungle does. Will you fight alongside us?”
Muli the Evil Twin considers his brother’s words, and the chaos he saw raging outside this very bar. Then, he sets down his beer, and pushes the glass away from him.
Damage progression
Level | Base damage |
1 | 16-20 |
2 | 20-24 |
3 | 23-29 |
4 | 27-33 |
5 | 31-37 |
6 | 34-42 |
7 | 39-47 |
8 | 42-52 |
9 | 46-56 |
10 | 49-61 |
11 | 53-65 |
12 | 57-69 |
13 | 61-75 |
14 | 65-79 |
15 | 68-84 |
16 | 72-88 |
17 | 76-92 |
18 | 79-97 |
19 | 84-102 |
20 | 87-107 |
21 | 91-111 |
22 | 94-116 |
23 | 98-120 |
24 | 102-124 |
25 | 105-129 |
26 | 110-134 |
27 | 113-139 |
28 | 117-143 |
29 | 121-147 |
30 | 124-152 |
31 | 128-156 |
32 | 132-162 |
33 | 136-166 |
34 | 139-171 |
35 | 143-175 |
36 | 147-179 |
37 | 150-184 |
38 | 155-189 |
39 | 158-194 |
40 | 162-198 |
41 | 166-202 |
42 | 169-207 |
43 | 173-211 |
44 | 177-217 |
45 | 181-221 |
46 | 184-226 |
47 | 188-230 |
48 | 192-234 |
49 | 195-239 |
50 | 199-243 |
51 | 203-249 |
52 | 207-253 |
53 | 211-257 |
54 | 214-262 |
55 | 218-266 |
56 | 221-271 |
57 | 226-276 |
58 | 229-281 |
59 | 233-285 |
60 | 237-289 |
61 | 240-294 |
62 | 244-298 |
63 | 248-304 |
64 | 252-308 |
65 | 256-312 |
66 | 259-317 |
67 | 263-321 |
68 | 266-326 |
69 | 271-331 |
70 | 274-336 |
71 | 278-340 |
72 | 282-344 |
73 | 285-349 |
74 | 289-353 |
75 | 292-358 |
76 | 297-363 |
77 | 301-367 |
78 | 304-372 |
79 | 308-376 |
80 | 311-381 |
81 | 315-385 |
82 | 319-391 |
83 | 323-395 |
84 | 327-399 |
85 | 330-404 |
86 | 334-408 |
87 | 337-413 |
88 | 342-418 |
89 | 346-422 |
90 | 349-427 |
91 | 353-431 |
92 | 356-436 |
93 | 360-440 |
94 | 364-446 |
95 | 368-450 |
96 | 372-454 |
97 | 375-459 |
98 | 379-463 |
99 | 382-468 |