
A Mazebert TD card by shimakura

Item level: 1
Since version: 2.0
Obtainable: Regular card


s21 (2020)
  • Base damage for every other guard in range increased from 4 to 6.
s18 (2019)
  • Added to the game

The Templar fights for three things: his God, his King, and his kingdom. Today, all three are in jeopardy.

Godless creeps have overrun the castle city of Camelot, overwhelming both the Templars and the King’s guard. This particular Templar has fought for three days without rest, but even his strength is not enough. The siege shows no sign of stopping. The creeps show no sign of retreat.

And the Templar is about to fall.

A hard strike to the back of the Templar’s knees sends him to the ground. A mace to the head ensures he stays there. Lying prone, the Templar attempts to push against Camelot’s cobblestones. To draw strength from his city and use that strength to stand.

But the creeps’ blows are too fierce and too many. Alone, the Templar cannot stand. Alone, the Templar cannot survive.

Which is why it’s good that the Templar is not alone.

“Back, heathens!” The creeps attacking the Templar scatter and, as they part, the Templar catches a view of his fellows. After driving off the last of the creeps, the Templar’s brothers help him stand.

“Come now,” says one of the Templar’s brothers. “Get on your feet.”

“Yes,” says another. “Can’t you feel it?”

“I can,” says the Templar, standing. “For a moment, I thought the Lord meant me to die here, alone. But instead, He sent my brothers. Which means He has more work for me to do.”

Damage progression

Level Base damage
1 24-40
2 29-49
3 35-59
4 41-69
5 47-78
6 53-88
7 59-98
8 64-106
9 70-116
10 76-126
11 82-136
12 87-145
13 93-155
14 99-165
15 104-174
16 110-184
17 116-194
18 122-203
19 128-213
20 134-223
21 139-231
22 145-241
23 151-251
24 156-260
25 162-270
26 168-280
27 173-289
28 179-299
29 185-309
30 191-318
31 197-328
32 203-338
33 208-346
34 214-356
35 220-366
36 226-376
37 231-385
38 237-395
39 243-405
40 248-414
41 254-424
42 260-434
43 266-443
44 272-453
45 278-463
46 283-471
47 289-481
48 295-491
49 300-500
50 306-510
51 312-520
52 317-529
53 323-539
54 329-549
55 335-558
56 341-568
57 347-578
58 352-586
59 358-596
60 364-606
61 370-616
62 375-625
63 381-635
64 387-645
65 392-654
66 398-664
67 404-674
68 410-683
69 416-693
70 422-703
71 427-711
72 433-721
73 439-731
74 444-740
75 450-750
76 456-760
77 461-769
78 467-779
79 473-789
80 479-798
81 485-808
82 491-818
83 496-826
84 502-836
85 508-846
86 514-856
87 519-865
88 525-875
89 531-885
90 536-894
91 542-904
92 548-914
93 554-923
94 560-933
95 566-943
96 571-951
97 577-961
98 583-971
99 588-980