Guess I found a bag, or I don't understand something
("Rainbow Unicorn", lvl=99) under effect of few "Leuchtfeur" potions with "Wedding Ring of Yin" paired with ("Beacon of Hope", lvl=115) tower (but I'm not sure am I waited enough for their being married (guess I don't)) after drinking of "Soul Flask" potion - EXPLODE with two neighboring towers ("The Dark Forge", lvl=57) and ("Veleda", lvl=29) with message printed out "tower sacrificed!". This "sacrifice" restored me 129% life (what is less than 3 exploded towers sum of lvl) and don't even give me "Unicorn Tears" potion
wave 430-431
what's wrong here, or I miss something?
The only way I know of that Soul Flask splashes to nearby towers is with Cthulhu wizard. Soul Flask effect does not copy to married towers. I can't see the wizard you played in replay stats, but it correlates with your findings:
Cthulhu reduces potion effectiveness to 70%.
99+57+29 = 185;
185*0.7 = 129.5;
Unicorn only gives tears when it's sold or killed with bad luck as per its description. Replacing or sacrificing doesn't give the Unicorn Tears sadly.