Knux not dropping

I am in my second game in shattered plains first over 2 hours and now I am at over 300 waves and in both games I did not get knux. Maybe it was just bad luck but I don’t want to make study for this;) I started both nature only with solara as skill pick. When I had enough wolves I used darkness potion. Seeing as (at least from my perspective) knux is a very important tower for long games with any carry, I am about to lose the 2nd game. On a side note I want to question the balancing if knux is so essential as I see her.

No it's not a bug, it is not guaranteed that all towers drop in every game. In fact, by adding more towers the odds to get a specific one are getting worse. What I heard is that you can work around not having Knux with armor reduction items, e.g. Cactus.

Yes cactus and specter help but at least from my experience they are not nearly as good. BTW knux dropped at lvl 4xx. So I was just unlucky

Sweet! Glad it dropped :-)