Gold cards
How can I farm gold cards? Only from forge?
Hi Kemu,
yes, forge is the only way to get golden cards.
To get more relics, there are (besides daily quests) also some hidden quests.
how do you forge them though? i have 580 relics and cant find how to forge
yellow menu :))
also some hidden quests.
Easy, normal and hard runs?? Or what :) HELP! :)
i go to yellow menue, dont see a "forge" option, and i cant click on the relics themselves.
@syotos: yellow menu, then the hammer button, then grab the bag with the 20 relics and move them up to the other slot :-)
@kemu: doesn't depend on difficulty that's as much as I can tell for now ;-)
do gold cards have any bonuses or just a shiny look (and use for last map) or be to be implemented lated?
just shiny look and important for last map :-)
plus, addition to your personal card deck!