It's a shame if it's a bug.
If it's not, then it's very good to know!!! I had no idea about that. Usually doesn't equip Hydra Arrow on my Shadow right of the bat.
same here m8 ;) lucky me i made a very low low effort run yesterday just so i could lvl up my wizard =) and i agree that is would be great if it is supposed to be this way =)
Please tell if it worked on ripper, although i have a feeling it will not work on him as ripper must crit to gain, while shadow just have to make a lucky hit, hydra does dmg over 4 sec so i guess it is like 1 attack per second = 4 attacks? then hydra is additive aswell so if you hit a creep 4 times that must mean that hydra has 16 chances to proc?
I don't know the mechanics i'm just guessing here
I'm going to try Hydra Arrow right when I get it on my next normal run.
Trying to reach #1 on ladder haha (very competitive)
Already rank 1 normal 200 waves
Rank 1 normal 300 waves
Rank 1 normal 400 waves.
Guess you can top it easily since you currently have better items/heroes than me for bonus round. But would love to see it happen!