Flavor text: Is that what you got
Name: Angel of mischief
Attack: vex
Range: 4
Cooldown: 5
Element: Light
Gender: Female
Ability: copy cat-
Will copy nearby abilities within range per wave(only copies abilities until rare)
Sub ability: pre-madonna rage- while copying an ability she will receive a 50%(.50% per level) attack speed.
Attack speed will revert back once she attacks 20 times
Thanks for sharing! Phew, that's an intriguing idea. Few questions:
Will it copy a random ability from the nearby towers?
What bonus will the pre-madonna-rage grant?
I forgot to add the bonus for pre-madonna rage that's for attack speed
For the ability i suggest to keep it until rare since unique abilities are too broken for angel of mischief specially if she gets unique skills like genesha,black widow, mr.iron etc.