Completed image of Abyss King as long as Andy has no qualms with it. Let us know what you think!
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I love the image. However, it's already difficult to click on towers behind some of the taller towers (Using Nexus 5.) That sword is obviously making up for his... abyss. Is this going to cause a problem?
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Played your TD for some time, and I really love it.
I am a huge fan of those TD, and years ago I created towers and items for the warcraft 3 map called 'YouTD".
I really liked the community and the fact that we can improve a small part of the game ourself.
I'm not a game dev but i'm learning web dev, so I wanted to know if I can help you in any way?
Hey there,
I will check during implementation if I can enable picking through the sword.. Right now it happens automatically by considering the alpha channel, so it's pretty much wysiwyg, but after a certain height I agree that this makes no sense.
Thanks for the input!
Hi Aurelien,
I am a huge fan of You TD myself. Had fantastic times with this excellent tower defence, and it had a huge inpact on my development of Mazebert TD.
Right now Mazebert TD is unfortunately not as open to extension as You TD is. My game engine is by far not as powerful (and scriptable) like the WC3 engine is. So at the moment there is no API for other developers to use to create their own towers or items. Maybe this will become possible in a later version.
For now I try to implement and add as many card ideas from the community as I can. It takes quite some time, but eventually they're gonna make it to the game ;-)
Out of curiosity - What towers/items did you create for You TD?
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Yeah must be hard to code all this from scratch, but i hope one day maybe it will be possible.
I made :
and other stuff but they are not approved