Well that opens up a whole can of worms, colour me excited to see this. Active Items could be very interesting to see.
Well i guess, active item are pretty hard to balance out.
But well Andy, i have a little question about the cooldown of the item.
Is the cooldown directly linked to the item itself or can you swap it between towers and get your cooldown reset to 0 or 40s that way?
Another question: Lets say you have carry WAY WAY back, so you can make use of this item with your carry, does the tower get kills (for lets say Seelenreißer or knux/abyss ability, does it trigger on kill abilitys?) or even on hit procs?
Does the item produce gold on kill, calculated with the tower stats? Like ahving 5 Bins around the tower using it...
Hey Ontrose,
The cooldown is directly linked to the item!
All on kill procs are triggered for the tower carrying the ball. On hit is not triggered by this item.
Yes the gold you get is calculated with the gold bonus for this tower :-)
I think this item is Op, every 40 sec is way to fast. With slow creeps, you can bowl every round or so. 20 percent instant kill is to high, with 80 percent Luck Will give you 36 percent. The cooldown of irish pub is much longer for a reason. Items that grant an ability is good, this bowling Ball is just to good atm ;)
Every forty seconds isn't too nuts to me, especially considering air and boss waves are completely immune to it. On top of that, everything we've heard about it so far seems to imply the item is independant of the towers stats, so luck seems to be irrelevant.
No point freaking out over balance before we've had a chance to try it.