Hotfix Version 0.10.1 released

I just released hotfix version 0.10.1 to the Google Play Store. The problem with transmuting rare towers has been fixed. Thanks for the quick reporting! That was a quite stupid bug I added last night :-( If you're interested in the details: - I created a special transmutation recipe for towers, so that the element choice is considered for gambled towers - Then I used this recipe for common, uncommon and rare towers - Only thing I forgot is that the result of rare towers isn't a tower again, thus the recipe failed in determining the valid results (items don't have an element ^^) That was the troubling line:
  new StashCardTowerUpgradeRarityRecipe(Rarity.RARE, _itemStash));
And fixed:
  new StashCardUpgradeRarityRecipe(Rarity.RARE, _itemStash));
It's good to recall: Avoid last minute changes, if you do them, be suspicious and test more than usually ;-) Hope you enjoy the release!

Andy, you're doing a great job with thing. I know you have work and a life, and yet you demonstrate such dedication and patience. I've enjoyed Mazebert more than any other mobile game I've played, and I'm thankful to you for making it happen. Congrats on a great update, and thanks for banging out that hotfix so quickly.

Thank you sir! That's great to hear!!

.I'm am still bugged. But now it shows the last card and 3/4 full circle after transmutation. Started a new game. Still there.

Hey Mark, sorry to hear that. Unfortunately I couldn't reproduce your issue here. Are you playing with version 0.10.1? What platform are you playing on? Which (rarity) of towers did you transmute?

This is Mark, couldn't remember my password for the last post, I am also the guy that posted about the bug on Facebook. Anyway, I tried again and the transmutation worked, I am unable to replicate it now so I guess all is well.