New armor calculation

[latexpage] This evening I worked on the new armor calculation for version 0.9.3. As many of you suggested already, I'm orientating towards the WC3 armor calculation (For details about the WC3 armor calculation, see the excellent description here).

Positive armor

When creeps with positive armor are hit, the damage they receive is reduced. I modified the constant in the formula, so that creeps with 200 armor receive 50% less damage. Creeps with 500 armor receive about 70% less damage. Here is the formula for damage decrease: \begin{equation} d_{increase}(x) = \frac{c*x}{1+c*x} \text{ , with }c=0.982 \end{equation} [caption id="attachment_2931" align="aligncenter" width="480"]How positive armor decreases damage How positive armor decreases damage[/caption]

Negative armor

When creeps with negative armor are hit, the damage they receive is increased. I modified the constant in the formula, so that creeps with -200 armor receive about 80% more damage. Creeps with -500 armor receive almost 100% more damage. Here is the formula for damage increase: \begin{equation} d_{increase}(x) = 2 - c^x \text{ , with }c=0.005 \end{equation} [caption id="attachment_2930" align="aligncenter" width="480"]How negative armor increases damage How negative armor increases damage[/caption]

I'm cool with this, can't wait to try it out. Doing damage that is twice the usual damage would be the limit. Reasonable