Release Notes 1.1.2
The hotfix version 1.1.2 was shipped to Google Play and iOS App Store. The Google Play version should reach you in the next 24 hours, the iOS version should be reviewed by Apple within a week or so.Bugfixes
- Skull of Darkness can be created by the Dark Forge
- Spectral Daggers 2 set bonus is no longer broken after re-equipping items
Balancing adjustments
- The chance to find better items in late game was increased
- Solara the Fire Elemental was buffed
- Abyss King's ability was completely reworked
- Spectral Daggers and Cape of the Specter have been buffed
Solara the Fire Elemental
- Slightly increased base damage
- Increased splash range from 1 to 2
- Increased splash damage to 40%

Abyss King
- Range reduced to 1
- Increased base damage
- Reworked ability: Recruits creeps that died within his range

Spectral Set
- Daggers
- Chance increased to 80%
- Max stacks increased to 4
- Added +20% crit chance
- Cape
- True damage increased to 10% (+0.2% per level)
- Set bonus
- Max stacks bonus increased to 3