Scarface remastered

The first 0.10 release candidate is coming closer! This evening I rebalanced Scarface. In the current version he is simply too weak! Have a look at the new card. This has the potential for an amazing end-game carry! I left all attributes untouched. The thing that changed is the Burst ability. scarface

That sounds amazing. How does it scale with luck? It seems like that could get a bit crazy. One other thing about him: Does his attack graphic match the damage cone now?

Looks pretty good, but Laser Satellite biuld is better anyway up to 3000+ seconds

I hope this makes a difference because as it stands now the card is completely useless. I had a game where I was using the dandelion (a common card) as an early secondary tower. I got a scarface and figured since he is a rare card it should be an upgrade, but his damage was 200-300 less then the dandelion that's just horrible lol.