[caption id="attachment_2583" align="alignleft" width="634"] I'm back![/caption]
Thank you so much for your great input and suggestions to improve version 0.9! What started as a small bugfix release, with the intend to simply bring back Wave Master, turned into a much larger release. Please bare with me, that I no longer can keep up with the pace of ideas coming up in the forum, but at least I put some of them in this release. I hope you find one of yours below:
[caption id="attachment_2746" align="alignleft" width="200"] Special bonus round creeps![/caption]- Reintroduced Wave Master skill (max 500 rounds)
- Added bonus round ladder
- Special bonus round creeps
- Bonus round experience is rewarded every 20 seconds and increases over time
- Increased maximum player level to 120
- Buffed Mr. Iron's construction time, now scales with IAS
- Buffed damage of Scarface
- Buffed damage of Dark Forge
- Added confirmation dialog when selling tower
- Only 2 potions need to be transmuted to gain next rarity
- Rare potions can be transmuted, too
- Upgraded to Adobe AIR SDK 13, Starling 1.5 and Feathers 1.4
I just uploaded the new version to Android, so it should become available to download within the next few hours. As always, Windows and iOS release will follow.
That's it! See you in the bonus round ladder then! The highest bonus round score survival I've seen in the forum so far was 2581 seconds (!!!) from Speedle. The hunt is on!
Cool :) It's a shame Speedle beat Warlemming's run by 100 seconds with his own strat :P
Level: -
Rank: -
Hey Andy
I was just wondering if it was possible deploying a Mazebert distribution for Linux as it has been done for Windows. I don't have any knowledge of the tools/framework you use for it, but as I am a Linux user ad well as other players (I guess), it would be a nice idea (and maybe not totally tough to accomplish).
Please, take in consideration this idea. My game rate would increase exponentially if you would do it!
Level: -
Rank: -
Are the custom stats (like e.g. Miss Jilly's DBTP-rate) coming with v0.9.3?
Love the idea of constructing speed on Mr. Iron, but some people might exploit it by ramming him full of Seven-leagues Boots.
Could the rings come a little earlier (what is the round that their drop is possible?), atm I am at +110, full Protector, HP at 53% and no potions used. Just waiting for the rings.