Version 1.5.0 Alpha (Windows only)

I'm super excited to have a first alpha of the new version ready. Don't expect too much from it - there's still a lot of stuff missing (quests, card forge, black market, skills, ...). But it's possible to play with it already - singleplayer and up to 2 players coop multiplayer! If you wanna give it a try, you can download it here: Windows (64Bit) Unzip content to an empty folder and run MazebertTD.exe. Make sure to unpack the directory to a location with write access (not program files). Update I've made some fixes to the matchmaking and uploaded a new version hosted directly on (google drive was somewhat unrelyable) To play a multiplayer game you need to login with your ladder account first (its pointing to the dev ladder, so if your account is missing there let me know and I'll happily add you).

Unable to execute, follow the instructions, and no response after running. (Windwos 10 x64)

Oh no! I've uploaded a new version with some bugfixes to I'm not sure if google drive was messing with the content of the zip. Also, the game is currently writing data to its installation directory (not Application Data). I thought that was easier in the alpha phase, to easily access logs / savegames if there's something going wrong. Can you check if there's a log file created? It should be in the same directoy under data/mazebert.log Thanks for your feedback! Cheers Andy

can you import all the towers and builders from youTD i think they already gave permission to anyone who wants to remake it,

The concepts are quite a bit different - for instance, there is no spell damage in mazebert. And yeah, mazebert is greatly influenced by YouTD but settled in a different universe / tone. I think the underlying engine could be easily used to port YouTD (with 2d graphics then), but I think YouTD will do pretty well with the remastered Warcraft engine :-)

For me it works just fine. I have not yet testet the multiplayer but I can start and play the game out-of-the-box. Good work. Can't wait to get to play the full new version. kr

Thanks for the feedback! Glad it works not only on my machine :-D

Woah! I would pay for a remake youTD with this 2D engine. I was hoping someone would continue it. They said it might not compatible with the remastered. Thanks for the reply hoping for the update mazebert to android i would also play this game!