Wolfskin Cloak
Actually, the 0.10.0 release was supposed to be a release, to put all the little flaws of the game straight, so we have a solid basis for future releases. Features like new map, saving of creeps and a decent autosave logic and tons of bug/balancing fixes to prevent the known exploits from previous versions really had to be done. And it took me quite some time. But hey, I thought a Mazebert release without any new cards isn't a true Mazebert release! Unfortunately I hurt my wrist recently at soccer, so I can't draw any new towers these days. There are quite a lot of great tower ideas in the forum, that I'd love to see in the game. And yeah, as soon as 0.10.0 is out, we'll continue with polls for your favorite towers and get on with new card content! For now, I added the Wolfskin Cloak card, recently suggested in the forum. The Wolf build became pretty un-attractive recently, so with this he might be back in the game (I strengthened the damage of Wolf card a little bit, too). Plus, the cloak has a decent enough bonus, to be an attractive item for any non-Wolf builds, too. Please check it out: