Wow! I'm just overwhelmed by this. Thanks you, Infinity, for your amazing feedback. I read your post after getting up this morning and couldn't believe my eyes. How cool is it, that someone takes so much time and write such a great feedback to my game. This is really, really nice, so thank you!
Now, I just got settled after work and still thinking about all the input you provided. Right now I'm currently shipping version 0.7 (yay!), but after that I will provide some more detailled feedback!
Sorry! Releasing 0.7 just took longer than expected. Gonna go crash now and do a proper reply on the weekend.
HF with the storm edition in the meantime :-)
PS: I think some of your suggestions are already in there!
Haha when I reviewed what I had typed I was surprised to see the sheer volume of it, I look forward to hearing what you think!
Also, I just played a game of 0,7. I really enjoy Balu/Baby Rabbit's range buffs especially, I haven't used (or found use of) any of the new towers though (can dark forge items be transmuted?). The new Items are a genuine blast.
Edit: Played another game, Dark Forge items are in fact transmutable, which is really handy for getting those essential rares. My Only concern however, is that, by tying item quality to level, the tower is really unlikely to produce the blade of darkness, which I would assume is the primary purpose of the tower (since it's a costly unique tower, therefore a mid-late game investment). It's doable if you were to convert a highly leveled Ganesha into the dark forge, or if dark forge were to be your primary tower, which might be possible since its base damage is ludicrous? It's an interesting tower to fiddle around with.
Still haven't gotten `round to test the Shadow Tower, its power seems interesting but the proc chance seems kind of low, I'd imagine this thing would be incredibly easy to level with a few paintings, though.
Alright, here it comes!
I love the concept of Builders in YouTD. It's something that is most definitly planned to add to Mazebert. I agree with you, this will boost strategy diversity a lot. I am not sure yet when it will be added, but I think in the next or version after that.
There is a ticket for version 0.8 to implement stuns properly. I added a note to the ticket, that the final stun duration of towers using it needs to be tested and balanced accordingly.
Actually frog can be a nice carrier for completing the game. When a creep dies because of his poison, he gets the XP so he can grab in some cases more xp than other towers if creeps are not insta-killed and walk out of the carrier's range. Also, the poison level bonus is quite strong. There where already some demands to nerf Frog because of that, but so far it didn't happen :-)
Herb Witch
That's some feedback I get a lot! I actually like that auras can stack, at least from reading the card I think you would expect it that way. But, right now this leads to that herb witch is the most desireable early/mid game tower for every strategy, and that's a bit too much. In the next version I will add 2 more towers with a support aura. Let's see if it then becomes more interesting! If not, I think the suggestion to make it unstackable is a good option.
This was the most imba end-game carrier before 0.7! Because as soon as you got helm of hades you could get a ridiculous amount of crit chance/crit damage on it. Now the range was increased to make the tower more interesting for early game and the crit boni where nerfed, maybe even a bit too much. But time will tell.
Prior to version 0.6 this was the carry tower if you wanted to make sure to win the game. It got nerfed a little bit, but I think it still is one of the best carry towers around. Check out his mojo and what support towers you build around your carry right now anyhow :-D In terms of support, I know some people use a pack of hulis as better beavers, too.
Electric chair
I also have mixed feelings about this guy. When I first added it, it was way too strong so that I nerfed it significantly. Right now I really like this tower as a early/midgame carrier which alows me to play the game at really fast pace (call in next waves). But at some time during midgame it just can't keep up anymore, so you need to look for other carriers. Which is a good thing in terms of gameplay. I see, that it would be cool to finish the game with an electricity kind of tower. It might be an option for one of the still missing rares on Metropolis.
Her chance to grab a mass creep got nerfed from 50% to 20%. There is some writing about creep armor in this post: But right now I really dislike that armor is not communicated better towards the player - but I want to keep the interface/notifications/texts as slim and simple as possible. Not that easy..
Horadric Cube
I think horadric cube as a dropable card is a really nice thing! When you finally get the cube at lvl 80 or so, you just go YEAH finally. Plus you can then happily transmute a lot of gear at once.
In 0.7 the waves starting at round 140 will get another boost in HP kicking in. So the endgame should be a lot more challenging now. Also, bonus round is a must have and should be added in a future version :-)
PS: You are right, they are called oils on YouTD!
Hey so, I've played around with the new version a bit, I agree that Frog is actually quite strong, provided you can give it enough attack speed/support to deal with mass/fast waves.
Would Herb witch's desirability work better if her rarity was increased?
The thing about wolf was, previously at least, that by the time you have helm of Hades and enough levels to make him work, I could pretty much guaranteed have a Bear Hunter/Muli/Hitman to deal with every single wave to come anyway, therefore he (previously) became an option too late, but again, RNG can have unexpected results.
Perhaps you could explain mechanics such as luck, multicrit, drop chance/quality, elements and armor in an advanced tutorial?
I feel like armor mechanics aren't too important to understand as a beginner, but at the same time this is a fairly mechanically complex game, and looking up mechanics on the forum is perhaps a bit too much for most. I actually prefer looking up the information on the forum, often times these mechanics are explained far more in depth.
I have some questions about the new version!
If I understand correctly, luck enhances the probability of an ability by a % right? so lets say a 10% chance to create an item after a round on a tower with 100% luck would = a chance of 20%?
Shadow is a pretty strong tower for dealing with early game waves, also gets really strong (+3% to everything) off challenge waves, but cannot deal with challenge waves at all, is this intended?
as for the recent changes
Balu, despite its nerf is still hard to get going, but I like him as he is now.
Bear Hunter has been toned down with the longbow nerf, but I feel like he's still a bit too easy to carry with.
Holgar just never seems to work for me.
As for the Cube, Would it perhaps be an idea to increase his Droprate on Horseman waves? the function the card provides is so incredibly vital, not drawing it can lead to certain losses at times.
Also, I've noticed a few more bugs (I think)
- Dark forge can produce multiple unique rarity Dark Blades
- When transmuting, sometimes the last item you add to the Horadric Cube's inventory stays in the horadric cube after a successful transmutation, effectively reducing transmute cost to 3 items.
- When calling in 'next waves' sometimes certain waves will "lag behind", this is most noticeable with air waves, where half of the wave will spawn sometime during the next wave instead of on the original interval
Loving watching this topic! I wanted to add that in my last game at wave 176 my air wave didnt spawn at all!! So I put my phone down and let muli get lotsa liquor!!! Finally after skipping 4 waves it started up again... very strange bug indeed. Just confirming your bug infinity :) Im trying to reproduce it but can't seem to get it quite figured out.
Very nice discussion here! One thing I noticed for some time now, that to the community it is not very transparent what stuff gets nerfed/buffed every version, and how much. Also its not obvious for you what feedback will be implemented and what not.
What do you think about a sticky thread that I will keep updated with a plain overview of the concrete balancing todo's that are planned for the next version?
This way everyone sees what will be done and also it's easier to follow up for you. Sometimes I forget stuff :-)
Good read and I have some thoughts and counter thoughts myself but I am to tired from work so I'll post them later.
A Pinned changelog/patch notes forum post would be lovely! =D
Also today my friend had a Cube that when it had -100% (one pumpkin) attack speed it had 0 second cooldown on attacks LMFAO tho he could not reproduce it.
A detailed changelog and a to do list would most definitely help! Yes please <3
Also, I'm pretty sure dark blades aren't 'unique'!

Nice Satellite Infinity :-)
The sticky changelog is here, work in progress.
OMG I would have loved to try my Sat with 15 MC instead of the 9 mine had lol Maybe cloes to 75m or higher with that.
Today I updated the sticky changelog for 0.8 with the input of this thread. Please, hit me if you think I've forgotten an important thing!
Meanwhile I wanted to pick up a good point from @Infinity:
Shadow is a pretty strong tower for dealing with early game waves, also gets really strong (+3% to everything) off challenge waves, but cannot deal with challenge waves at all, is this intended?Right now Shadow deals 100% damage to challenge/horsemen, which eventually makes him pretty much useless for mid/endgame. Three suggestion from my side: a) Leave as is b) Damage against challenge/horsemen min(damage against VEX, damage against FAL, damage against BER) c) Damage against challenge/horsemen avg(damage against VEX, damage against FAL, damage against BER) What are your thoughts about it?
I think shadow is fine as is. IF you give it any sort of additional damage to challenge waves it would be the strongest tower in the game [aside from sat].
I agree with that. I think using shadow as a carry is a user choice and one that only a higher level player may use effectively. Figure he would not carry early games as well without the increased dmg and crits from level skills. I like shadow very much as is and have completed several games with him as a primary carry. I think pushing his dmg would definitely lead to nerfing him again in .9.0
You're probably right. One question: Are you able to handle horsemen with Shadow? Because they have the same armor like challenges and should be pretty tough with Shadow as carrier.
Horsemen are relatively weak in comparison to challenge waves. I find the entire game more challenging when using shadow due to decreased drops since so many challenges slip by, BUT he does handle horseman 1-3 ok. Horseman 4 on the other hand can be rough but ive found muli, balu or satelitte secondary carry towers to handle him in time. That's just me though... ive not seen anyone else mention secondary or tertiary carry towers.
@Andy I can't remember how I did on the HM with my shadow lol.
@kad I normally don't use a secondary for any sort of damage after the first maybe 20 waves. I use them for there support. Beaver and Monkey are amazing support if you are lucky.