Creeps Running off Path

Andy, Seeing as how the new version was just released, this may not be relevant anymore. But I'll run tests on it anyways. I'll test it on the new version and update this. Issue: I've been testing out Blofeld w/ the use of multiple Gib's. I've got my towers as follows: 1- Cube 2- Witch (3 Keys, Scepter) 3- Witch (4 Keys) 4- Witch (4 Keys) 5- Gib (Helm + 3 Norls Guardian) 6- Witch (4 Keys) 7- Gib (3 Pants + 1 Boots) 8- Gib (3 Pants + 1 Boots) 9- Blofeld (1 Rare Meat, 1 Bow, 1 Reaver, 1 Excal) 10- Gib (3 Pants + 1 Boots) 11- Ganesha (4 Keys) 12- Manitou (4 Keys) 13- Witch (4 Norls Guardian) 14- Gib (3 Pants + 1 Boots) 15- Gib (1 Pants, Withered Set) - Also stacked w/ Atk Spd pots and Nillos. (.1s Cooldown =D) 16- Gib (3 Pants + 1 Boots) 17- Gib (3 Pants, 1 Dungeon Door) Now, in the same game I've had the creeps run off path more than 20 times (1000 waves). I think the issue is caused by the Gib on 15. With his Cooldown/Atk Spd + Luck + Chance to send back in time + Frozen Bite, the issue may be caused somewhere in that mix. In the tests I've run, the issue starts when the Cooldown dropped to about .3s. I'll test this out on v9.0 right now. =D

I fixed this bug in 0.9 - this time for real :-) Please let me know in case it still appears in your re-test, but I'm confident it will work.