Hello genoism, I'm sorry but I don't think all of your idea would help the game.
1. Since last patch – I’ve played many games and almost never get past lvl ~90 anymore. I’m rank 360ish. Used to be able to get a good 700 seconds into the challenge mode. Seems like creeps were very much buffed or something I don’t know…
Since the last patch, the creep didn't get buffed BUT the early game is based of swapping tower to be able to handle creep.
Also, as youTD you need to learn the way to kill Challenge when you're able too.
Of course, the RNG God is going to count. But you're going to need to review your early placemeent/tower to see why you're loosing.
2. Tower building space and ranges need to get improved. Right now the gameplay forces you to pretty much mass all your buffing towers around one or two carry towers which leaves little room for more interesting setups.
Actually, there is a contest about a new map. So vote for the map you would like to see ( https://mazebert.com/ )
Manitou – This tower is great but it sucks that it does no damage. No tower in the game should do no damage simply because it’s not fun to have a “dead tile”. Suggest perhaps nerf the multicrit range and amount, greatly increase damage, add crit and multicrit range to scale based on level to nearby towers. (Or something…just not a dead tile)
Actually Manitou is made as a support tower giving the BEST aura of the game. Multi-crit is the most important stats of mid/late game. And without it you're going to suffer from lack of dammage because a buff won't give an huge help later one.
Ganesha – Same as manitou, needs to be more interesting than a dead tile.
Same opinion as Manitou even if I find her as an HARD buffer for leveling your dark forge
Iris pub/herb witch – these are great early towers but just end up getting scrapped for towers that do serious damage later on. Needs buffing by either the range of towers they affect or damage increase.
Thos tower are really hard to fix, since any buff could make them way too powerfull. That's the matter of them
Most yellow towers – the damage on these towers is terrible…By the time you build them the 15-ish damage they do is useless. I’ve had in the past a lvl 30-ish scarface where i built up the dmg with the impatience set to something like 2k% and it still barely scratched the mobs. If a yellow tower can’t even solo a mob with a 2k dmg bonus you know its bad. Sure i know it damages a range of mobs but a dandelion was doing better and it costs a fraction of the price, has worse range….etc. Same goes for huli, iron man, etc. All these towers rely severely on the drops of items and potions that you get. Which means if you get bad drops, no sets built…you pretty much lose very early on.
Yellow tower are mostly late carry:
Iron man is a free support/carry late game, and actually he stays as a strong late game tower since he can Oneshoot any air wave or others. I think he's fine as now
Scarface is an AOE tower, of course that he's not going to be really strong against Boss
You have to undertand that tower has a based dammage and that why some others are better than anothers.
Some tower need some item before being viable that why you have to use different one until they're going to be strong enought.
Expensive towers suck for the most part. They depend on other items while early white towers in many cases do better starting damage and end up being better than the more expensive counterpart. In youtd you verrry rarely kept a starting tower, you would replace it with expensive counterparts and it would be worth it, the damage increase and level/stats that you transferred over would make a huge difference. In here it feels like a huge downgrade often.
It will depends of your tower switch, as in youtd there is better carry tower than another. There isn't a big difference here.
Range on most towers is terrible…1-2 range is not fun. You make so many buffing towers but so little range on other towers that you cannot really have variety because certain buffing towers are absolutely necessary.
Hight risk hight reward: you may speack about eletric chair, this tower is one of the strongest AOE in game with a really good based dammage. Black window is made more as a support than a carry.
Overall difficulty – I’ve browsed the forums a lot just never posted and taken suggestions. Easy mode should be easy…Even as a lvl 60+ i cannot get past lvl 80 without very lucky drops of items anymore.
Well, as you know it's a free to play and Andy has a real life & a lot of thing to fix already.
I don't know how he would be able to do it. This idea is overall good but would take way too much work. So if he had to do it, he would need a lot of time :/
Tower item capacity – I liked how in youtd the tower item capacity would increase as they leveled. I feel like item amount is too limiting. The game places so much focus on item management and importance but late game(if you get that far) you end up being able to trade in items for the best ones but often the sets make it too space consuming to keep using up more items. So either more bag space in towers or more slots for towers to use items.
No, no and no... This game is made from saving slot and making choice. And there is a problem with duplicate item allowing a tower to get multiple excalibur or what ever. So it's way too dangerous acutally.
End game / tower scaling – The impatience set and ironman nerf really screwed me over. It was a fun set and actually made it possible for me to get far into the game. I know they were “too strong” but that only seemed like that because everything else was “too weak”. Ironman nerf was really uncessary because I’ve had several games where I’ve pumped something like 8 unrelenting items into him along with tons of other items but in the end he still wasn’t really that powerful unless you got really lucky and managed to pump him damage for a good 100+ levels without losing the bonus due to his low range. I feel like a lot of towers scale very poorly compared with mob hp. I get u dont want one tower or set to dominate the game which is fine but right now there is little else to do after you’ve placed all your towers and items. The impatience set added a lot of fun to the game in that you had to be very careful with spawning the next level…yay i had something to do after lvl 100! But not anymore because 1500% only carries you so far until its useless.
The Iron-man was scalling too well in game, because of impatience and frozen heart giving him over 40 multicrit.
I had a run with iron man who has over 10B % dammage added with impatience, don't u find it strong when you have over 40 multicrit?
That why he needed his nerf
Im not saying my suggestions must be followed. Just outlining some ideas and reasoning behind it. Maybe a few players can figure out how one or two towers are OP but the majority will not...so it would be nice to find a good balance.