Partial item strength analysis

This score contains my subjective feeling, not the actual intensity, maybe some items are very strong, but I don't know its function.I don't comment on unique and legendary,I use 1.0 to represent common,2.0 to represent Uncommon,3.0 to represent Rare,4.0 to represent Unique.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Format: A (B) (C)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A is the name of item,B is the strength or effect I think,C is B minus item quality.--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wooden Staff (0.8) (-0.2)............ Well done T-Bone Steak (1.2) (+0.2) ............ Norl's Guardian (2.0) (+1.0)............................................ Last Train of the Day (1.5) (-0.5)....... Handbag (1.8) (-0.2)....... Painting of Solea (1.9) (-0.1)....... Magic Mushroom (2.2) (+0.2)............ Frozen Book (2.5) (+0.5)............ Meat Mallet (3.0) (+1.0)............ Lucky Pants (3.5) (+1.5)............ Dried Cactus (4.0) (+2.0).................. Irish Pub's Barrel (1.4) (-1.6)........ Witch's Cauldron (1.5) (-1.5)........ Fistful of Steel (1.8) (-1.2)........ Unrelenting Force (2.0) (-1.0)............ Frozen Heart (2.3) (-0.7)............ Frozen Candle (2.7) (-0.3)............ Key of Wisdom (3.5) (+0.5)............ Where are the spaces and newlines?

Yes, some items are stronger than others, especially in certain situations. Unrelenting force completes the impatience set, which if you rush each wave, it becomes very powerful on the 500 round games. And magic mushroom is very strong on high level towers (better than 7 league boots)