
Standard Rise of Cthulhu

Jazzattack - Level 60

Level: 60
Rank: 802
Experience: 149143
Relics: 240
Last seen 9 months ago

Golden heroes (4/18)

1x Bookworm
1x Cthulhu
1x Dagon
1x Yig

Golden towers (3/54)

1x Money Bin
1x Phoenix
1x Scarface

Golden items (9/85)

1x Dark Ring of Greed
1x Meat Mallet
1x Painting of Solea
1x Key of Wisdom
1x Viking Helmet
1x Eldritch Pearl
1x Mummy Bandages
1x Roordahuizum
1x The Useless Machine

Golden potions (1/30)

1x Ila's Spirit of Metamorphosis