
Standard Rag nar Rog

BiggerWak - Level 30

Level: 30
Rank: 1086
Experience: 14811
Relics: 80
Last seen 1 year ago

Golden heroes (1/18)

1x Prince Lycaon

Golden towers (6/61)

1x Dandelion
1x Pocket Thief
1x Electric Chair
1x Huli the Monkey
1x Phoenix
1x Scarface

Golden items (10/96)

1x Baby Sword
1x Eldritch Clam
1x Wood Axe
2x Guard Lance
1x Last Train of the Day
1x Meat Mallet
1x Painting of Solea
1x Tale of Dust
1x Mjoelnir
1x Necronomicon

Golden potions (2/32)

1x Mead Bottle
2x Potion of Strength