
Standard Rise of Cthulhu

omer - Level 51

3 Supporter Level 3

Level: 51
Rank: 11327
Experience: 68116
Relics: 60
Last seen 2 years ago

Golden heroes (1/18)

1x Baby Cthulhu

Golden towers (5/61)

1x Baby Rabbit
1x Beaver
1x Scientist
1x Elvis Imitator
1x Poisonous Frog

Golden items (11/96)

1x Dark Baby Sword
1x Dark Gold Coins
1x Gold coins
1x Ring of Greed
1x Wet Towel
1x Dark Meat Mallet
1x Guard Lance
1x Last Train of the Day
1x Lucky Pants
1x Magic Mushroom
1x Seven-leagues Boots

Golden potions (1/32)

1x Wise Dust