
Standard Rise of Cthulhu

Deathronia - Level 40

Level: 40
Rank: 1782
Experience: 28560
Relics: 162
Last seen 2 years ago

Golden heroes (3/18)

1x Prince Lycaon
1x Dagon
1x Yig

Golden towers (7/54)

1x Small Spider
1x Gib, the Frozen Daemon
1x Shadow
1x Acolyte of Greed
1x Phoenix
1x Mr. Iron
1x Yggdrasil

Golden items (9/85)

1x Norl's Guardian
1x Wet Towel
1x Wooden Staff
1x Dried Cactus
1x Eldritch Claw
1x Lucky Pants
1x Eldritch Chainsaw
1x Necronomicon
1x The Useless Machine

Golden potions (0/30)