
Standard Rise of Cthulhu Rag nar Rog

arks - Level 56

5 Supporter Level 5

Level: 56
Rank: 9186
Experience: 101408
Relics: 262
Last seen 1 year ago

Golden heroes (2/18)

1x Baby Cthulhu
1x Innkeeper

Golden towers (8/61)

1x Beaver
1x Dandelion
1x Scarecrow
1x Solara, The Fire Elemental
1x Templar
1x Bear Hunter
1x Candle
1x Muli the Evil Twin

Golden items (8/96)

1x Gold coins
1x Pumpkin
1x Wood Axe
1x Guard Lance
1x Beheader
1x Fistful of Steel
1x Unrelenting Force
1x Necronomicon

Golden potions (2/32)

1x Small Potion of Strength
1x Elixir of Metropolis