
Standard Dawn of Light Rise of Cthulhu

charts - Level 78

4 Supporter Level 4

Level: 78
Rank: 2217
Experience: 786257
Relics: 452
Last seen 1 year ago

Golden heroes (9/18)

1x Prince Lycaon
1x Shadow Mane
1x Sir Littlefinger
1x Bookworm
1x Kvothe, the Arcane
1x Cthulhu
1x Dagon
1x Osmo, the Jester King
1x Yig

Golden towers (27/61)

1x Baby Rabbit
1x Beaver
1x Dandelion
1x Gargoyle
1x Guard
1x Hitman
1x Miss Jilly
1x Pocket Thief
1x Scientist
1x Small Spider
1x Twisted Novice Wizard
1x Electric Chair
1x Herb Witch
1x Poisonous Frog
1x Shadow
1x Training Hologram
1x Wolf
1x Bear Hunter
1x Holgar the Horrible
1x King Arthur
1x Phoenix
1x Scarface
1x The Ripper
1x Yggdrasil
1x Blood Demon
1x Kiwi
1x Kiwi Egg

Golden items (43/96)

1x Dark Gold Coins
1x Dark Ring of Greed
1x Frozen Water
1x Gold coins
1x Leather Boots
1x Norl's Guardian
1x Pumpkin
1x Ring of Greed
1x School Book
1x Stressful Wristwatch
1x Wet Towel
1x Wood Axe
1x Wooden Staff
1x Dark Meat Mallet
1x Eldritch Claw
1x Frozen Book
1x Guard Lance
1x Handbag
1x Heroic Cape
1x Last Train of the Day
1x Meat Mallet
1x Painting of Solea
1x War Axe
1x Fistful of Steel
1x Frozen Candle
1x Frozen Heart
1x Herb Witch's Cauldron
1x Obed Marsh's Rifle
1x Seven-leagues Boots
1x Unrelenting Force
1x Branch to Asgard
1x Branch to Helheim
1x Branch to Jotunheim
1x Branch to Midgard
1x Scepter of Time
1x Armor of a Fat Knight
1x Blood Demon's Blade
1x Cape of the Specter
1x Cthulhu's Soup
1x Necronomicon
1x Roordahuizum
1x Spectral Daggers
1x The Useless Machine

Golden potions (14/32)

1x Mead Bottle
1x Small Potion of Crit
1x Small Potion of Strength
1x Potion of Speed
1x Potion of Strength
1x Water of Life
1x Great Potion of Crit
1x Great Potion of Speed
1x Great Potion of Strength
1x Great Water of Life
1x Elixir of Light
1x Elixir of Nature
1x Angelic Elixir
1x Ila's Spirit of Metamorphosis